A person you've never seen before steps into the living room, looking at you all with big eyes.


Um... Who the hell are all of you?


I'm the owner of the house. The- the new owner, I mean. The grandson. I inherited the place.


You're an Albin?


Uh. Yes. Are you the real estate agent?

The stranger doesn't answer, instead turning and pacing back and forth, clearly deep in thought.


They don't look like a real estate agent...


What does a real estate agent look like?


I dunno. More polished, I guess.


Maybe they're a drifter. Or a squatter who lives here already.


What do we do if they are?


Drive them to a shelter, or find them a relative to take care of them. They seem to be in bad shape...


Enough. I can hear you, I'm not a squatter, and you all are in grave danger.


Right, grave danger of an asthma attack.


Worse. We don't have long, so I need you all to listen to me, and save your questions for the end. Okay?

The urgency with which the stranger speaks catches your attention, and you can see the other people here are concerned as well - Vince straightens his posture, and the Miyamoto siblings exchange a worried glance. The stranger seems relieved you're all willing to listen to whatever story they're about to tell.